Children's Ministry
Children ages 3 through 2nd grade meet with their parents at the 10:15 Sunday Eucharist. During the Gospel hymn, they follow the young crucifer or the day to their own chapel service. In chapel, we begin with the Our Father, while holding hands in a large circle. We then take a collection to be brought up to the altar. Each Sunday consists of a Gospel lesson presented in an interesting and age-appropriate way, and enthusiastic Christian songs.
Youth Ministry
The church is responsible for educating our children about Jesus’ active and living presence in their lives. Like all our programs, the education program is rooted in Scripture, tradition, and reason. This program allows children to come together in pray, music, and developmentally appropriate curriculums that enhance their understanding of Jesus Christ. Our program is open to children ages 3 through high school. We begin Sundays at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall.
Adult Ministry
Studying the Holy Scriptures is essential to the growth of Christians. Deeper knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures allow individuals to better discern the role of Christ in their daily lives. This Bible study group meets Wednesday evenings in the library. New participants are always welcome. All men of the Parish are welcome to join the Laymen’s League. Each Monday, the group meets in the Parish Hall at 7:00 am for breakfast, scripture reading, and prayer. With no formal agenda or officers, this is a time dedicated to fellowship between the men of the Church.