About St. John's
Who We Are
Located in Corsicana, St. John’s is a traditional Anglican Perish rich in fellowship, strong Biblical teaching, and liturgical worship. We draw on the ancient faith of the first-century Christian church.
We join together each week to worship God our heavenly father and celebrate his abundant gift of grace offered to us through his Son Jesus Christ. We are a community-minded church and we welcome all to our services, those seeking to join the faith and those looking to practice in a faith community.
Through affirming the authority of Holy Scripture in all matters of doctrine, worship, and morals, we profess a theology connected to the fundamental understandings of the early Christian faith and practice. This historical-connectedness is found through our beautiful liturgical worship services that are founded in the tradition of the Apostles.
St. John’s is committed to remaining within the Anglican Communion through our association with the Diocese of Dallas membership in the Anglican Communion Network and Common Cause Partnership.

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Our Ministries
St. John’s is a committed to serving its members through community and Christian ministry. From young children to senior adults we offer courses in Cristian education that go deeper and inspire you as a believer.
Clergy & Vestry
The vestry is composed of the rector, wardens, and vestry members of a parish. The vestry oversees the finances of the parish, assists the rector in conducting the business of the parish, and ensures the church is equipped to hold worship services. Click the link below to learn more about our Leadership at St. John’s.