At St. John’s, we carry on the 500-year-old tradition of English Church music as our inheritance. We embrace our music ministry both as a beloved church tradition as well as proud heritage shared by all members of the Anglican community.
Music during each 9:30 Sunday morning liturgy includes the singing of the Eucharist and psalms, accompanied by our pipe organ, adult choir, and occasional guest instrumentalists.
Each year, the choir provides special music to accompany lessons and carols during holidays like Advent, Easter, and 4th of July. Pipe organ music also compliments other celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Our children’s choir, which meets seasonally, each year performs a delightful Nativity and/or Easter drama during one of the liturgies.
Our adult choir typically sits at around 12 members, all of whom are either students on “choir scholarships” or volunteers. The choir rehearses every Wednesday afternoon, during which time child care can be provided when needed. Those called by God and desiring to offer their gift of musical talent should contact the Rector or David Beesley.